Katrina making a difference...
to the lives of others through dance…
Katrina is now donning ballet shoes to raise funds in aid of cancer research and the associated services for the Northern Rivers area.
Ms Beohm has been attending dance lessons on a weekly basis
with her dance instructor and partner Rhiannon Beardow
Photograph sources from facebook.com/StarsofLismoredanceforcancer/ : Katrina Beohm Real Estate ,
Karen Ireland Dance Centre , Paul Tuthill Photography, Lismore Workers Club
Inspiration has been gained from Ella Havelka’s life quest
where she is now the Australian Ballet’s first indigenous dancer.
As part of her fundraising campaign, Katrina is hosting the screening
of ‘Ella’ a documentary about Ella’s life,
prior to the Stars of Lismore Dance for Cancer event, which will be held on Saturday 5th, August.
No doubt, Katrina has been inspired by Ella’s life story …
…looks inspirational
Katrina may lack dance experience, but in no way is this a deterrent to perform on the night!
In fact, like Ella, Katrina is pursuing whatever she wishes to pursue…..embracing
self-belief, courage, dedication and commitment.